John F. Connor ’62 Scholarship Fund
$114,315 total
Established in 1994 by family and friends in memory Dwight D. Darcy ‘63 Scholarship Fund
$66,983 total
$2,550 new contributions
of John Connor, this endowment “helps to ensure that students Established in 2001 by family and friends “to honor the life of
of modest economic means will not have to forfeit offers of dedication to Fordham” of Dwight Darcy, this endowment
admission to the Prep for lack of financial resources.” As a Prep provides for financial aid for Prep students. Dwight Darcy was
student, John was a member of Sodality, Guard of Honor, “all Fordham,” having graduated from the Prep, College and Law
German Choir, Stamp Club, School. He was Chief Labor Attorney for the Port Authority of
and played JV basketball. He served on the Prep Board New York and New Jersey working in the World Trade Center at
of Trustees and was involved in Operation Smile and Vietnam the time of his death (9/11/01).
Veterans’ support groups. John was the chairman of the Prep's
Sesquicentennial Campaign.
Thomas J. Courtney ’42 Scholarship Fund
$111,960 total
$10,000 new contributions
Lena Delgrosso Dubrowski
Scholarship Fund
$25,900 total
$25,000 new contributions
The fund was established in 2016 by Robert Delgrosso ’65 to
Established in 1997 by his son, Stephen J. Courtney ’68, “to honor his mother. The Fund provides support for student
honor Thomas Courtney’s accomplishments and lifetime of scholarships to aid the Prep in its mission to make a Fordham
dedication to the Fordham community,” this fund provides Prep education available for qualified students from all
endowment for student scholarships. As a student, Tom was a socio-economic backgrounds.
class president for four years and played baseball and football.
Law School), subsequently serving as head of Fordham Brendan Dolan ’82 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
$1,013,024 total
University security (1971-1992). Sons Thomas ’67, Stephen ’68 Established in 2002 by his siblings, Thomas ’78, Charles ’79,
and Michael ’69 each graduated from Fordham Prep. Brian ’83 and Ann, and his widow, Stacey, in memory of Brendan
He was awarded five Purple Hearts as a Marine in World War II.
While a member of the NYPD, he earned a law degree (Brooklyn
Valerie and Bernard J. Daenzer, Esq. ’34
Scholarship Fund
$594,619 total
Dolan, this fund provides tuition assistance to academically
qualified students from the Bronx who otherwise would not be
able to attend Fordham Prep. A quarterback at the Prep,
Brendan played football and rugby at the University of
Established in 2010 by the estate of Valerie and Bernard Rochester. As vice-president of the energy group at Carr Futures,
Daenzer, this endowment was founded “to provide financial Inc., Brendan was attending a meeting at the World Trade Center
assistance to students of all circumstances to receive a Fordham when he was killed in the terrorist attack on 9/11/01.
Prep education.” Following graduation from Fordham College
officer during World War II. He spent his career in the insurance John F. Donahue ’54 Scholarship Fund
$29,872 total
industry as an executive, spokesman, educator and consultant, Established in 1992 by John Donahue, this fund was created in
and also served as a Fordham Prep trustee. order to “increase endowment funds available for student
(1937) and Law School (1941), Bernie Daenzer served as a naval
Charles W. DaParma Jr. ’45
Scholarship Fund
$94,095 total
$25 new contributions
Established in 1983 by Bill Perry ’64 and Dr. Frank Holbrook ’45
scholarships and financial aid” at Fordham Prep. While a student
at the Prep, he played baseball and basketball, was a class
officer and a member of Sodality and Knights of the Blessed
Sacrament. John was President of JFD Investment Associates
and also served as a Prep trustee.
scholarships. Known for his erudition and wit, Chuck served as Florence and William Downs ’41
Scholarship Fund
$126,638 total
Classics Department Chair and unofficial advisor to many Established in 2006 by the estate of Florence Downs, William’s
students. As school heraldist, Chuck gave Fordham Prep its wife, this fund was created “to honor William’s commitment
motto, Amor et Conscia Virtus, and designed its crest. In May, through the Shea-McDonough Society to help the Prep continue
1998, he became the first Prep faculty member to be inducted to educate young men in the Jesuit tradition.” A native of
into the Hall of Honor. Manhattan, Will was a Prep cheerleader and a member of
in memory of Chuck DaParma, master Latin teacher
(1949-1980), this fund builds endowment for student
Sodality and Knights of the Blessed Sacrament. He spent his
career as an engineer with the New York Telephone Company.
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