Welcome to the Prep’s New Entrance
During the summer and into the fall of 2015,
the front entrance to the prep received a
major overhaul that has created a much more
welcoming atmosphere for all. The empty
space under the overhang was eliminated
when the front of the building was extended
to create a much brighter area with glass walls
and new energy-efficient lighting.
upon entering, members of the prep
community and visitors enjoy a sense of the
current prep and some of its history. Display
cases feature student achievements and
creativity while archival items give visitors
a sense of the prep’s long tradition.
The new location of our receptionist allows
a layer of security we never had before.
All visitors must now sign in with the
receptionist and receive a pass to the building.
Students received new identification cards
this year that have a swipe bar that they use
to enter the building.
Sliding glass doors have been installed
between the entrance/reception area and
the Commons. This allows easier transition
between the two areas at receptions and
other events.
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