Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview Spring 2019 | Page 17
Matteo Ricci Night was held in January in the Commons. Director
of School Counseling, Mrs. Maureen Martinez P '14, '17, '18, and
College Counselor, Mrs. Erica Keough received the Wanda Piñeiro
Award for Diversity for their many contributions in promoting
diversity and inclusion at the Prep. Senior Chris Chao received
the Matteo Ricci Award.
The evening featured a variety of ethnic foods, including Caribbean
and European dishes. Students and guests enjoyed dancing,
gospel singing and poetry reading.
This year the Prep’s food drive collected 36,371 items weighing
in at 447,813.55 lbs. as part of the Great Ignatian Challenge, a
Hunger Awareness Month began with a lunch for all freshmen
competition of local Jesuit schools promoted by Jim Rowen ’82
organized by Hunger Awareness Committee chairs Ryan with the goal of supporting specific charities or programs. Seniors
Fodero ‘19 and Luke Mathison ‘19. The freshman class replicated Ryan Fodero and Luke Mathison were the co-chairs of the drive.
global statistics regarding hunger: a few were waited upon and
served a nutritious and balanced lunch, while 60% of the class Our donations filled seven local food pantries, including POTS,
was given bread and water. The luncheon also sensitized the Concourse House, Mercy Center and Our Lady of the Assumption
class to the plight of the hungry in NYC. in the Bronx.
Vol. 3 2018-19 | 17