Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview FALL 2017 | Page 6

Admissions Report

September , as you can imagine , is a busy time here at the Prep . Our faculty and staff have spent the past weeks and months preparing for the arrival of our returning students and the arrival of our new ones , the class of 2021 . Here in the Admissions Office we are already planning to admit the Fordham Prep class of 2022 ! It is a busy and important time .
The past few months have seen some exciting changes in Admissions . The first is that the Prep ’ s Higher Achievement Program ( HAP ) will now be administered by the Admissions Office . HAP plays a very important part in student recruitment . For many , HAP is the first intimate contact they have with the Prep , its faculty and its students . This past summer , Dr . David Gelpi and I were named co-Directors of the program as we transitioned from the exceptional leadership of Mrs . Theresa Napoli .
This fall , I have assumed the role of Director in earnest . I will ensure that HAP continues to be a place where prospective students can sharpen their academic skills , take part in unique activities , perform community service and experience all the Prep has to offer . I am looking forward to this new challenge !
This summer has also brought us a new addition to the Admissions Office . Mr . Corey Punter ’ 07 has taken on the role of Associate Director of Admissions . Corey has a strong background in development and non-profit work . He is a graduate of St . Ignatius School and a lifelong resident of the Bronx . Corey ’ s professional background and his passion for the Prep will be invaluable in the work we do . He is thrilled to be back home and anxious to get on the road this fall to speak with prospective students and families and share with them his personal experience of the Prep . I also want to acknowledge Mrs . Tina Porco , who was recently named Administrative Coordinator for the school , for her tireless efforts supporting the Admissions Office first with Mr . Christopher Lauber ‘ 79 and these past two years with me .
I have learned much in my first two years as Director of Admissions , but the most important lesson I have learned is this : Prospective students and parents are effusive in their
praise when it comes to personal experiences of the Fordham Prep community . Each time they interact with a current student or parent , member of the faculty or staff , coach , or Prep alum they meet on the train their experience is overwhelmingly positive . Therefore , admissions is very much of a shared responsibility . All members of the Prep community have a part to play . Thank you to everyone who , through their care and concern for our prospective students and families , help young men find their way to Rose Hill .
This year , much of what we have planned in Admissions is to help facilitate these personal experiences for our perspective students and families . The seminal event , of course , being our Open House on Sunday , October 29th , from 1-4 pm . Please help us spread the word about Open House to any interested families you know .
It is going to be a great year as we recruit and admit the Fordham Prep class of 2022 . We cannot wait to get started !
Hail , men of Fordham , hail !
Brad Serton ’ 95 Director of Admissions