Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview FALL 2017 | Page 54

Identity Each year as we welcome new faculty and staff to the Prep, we give them an orientation packet which introduces them to the Ignatian heritage and mission of the school. One document in that packet is entitled “The Gifts of our Ignatian Heritage.” One of the gifts it highlights is Solidarity and Kinship: “the invitation to walk alongside and learn from our companions, both near and far, as we journey through life.” Our students experience that gift in so many ways throughout their four years at the Prep - in the classroom, on the playing field or stage, and through retreats and service programs they grow in solidarity and kinship with one another. This past summer, over 54 | RA MVIE W 150 students also experienced solidarity and kinship with our brothers and sisters in need through our Christian Service Immersion program. In Ecuador, Tennessee and Camden, NJ, those who had less of the world’s material riches enriched our students through their hospitality and shared the riches of their culture and community. As our students worked alongside a young mother who struggles to raise two young children in a home with black mold and a leaky roof, they began to experience the compassion for their brothers and sisters that leads to true solidarity and kinship. Throughout this past year, we also witnessed the gift of solidarity and kinship at work in the lives of our alumni community. During our month-long celebration of service in April, alumni shared stories of solidarity and kinship as they worked with people in need throughout the country. Our many 175th anniversary celebrations also gave witness to the kinship shared among our alumni community. Opportunities to gather together reminded alumni that bonds of friendship forged at the Prep can last a lifetime. This year, our Office of Mission and Identity looks forward to continuing to offer opportunities for alumni to come together to share in our mission of faith, scholarship and service. On December 1st, we will gather for an Advent supper, where Fr. Thomas Scirghi, SJ, Rector of the Fordham Jesuit community, will offer the keynote reflection. Our Faith on Tap program and annual Forum on Faith with America Media will bring alumni together to dialogue about important matters of faith. We will again mobilize men and women for others across the country for our April Month of Service and for the first time in many years conclude our academic year with an Alumni Day of Prayer on June 24th (Founder’s Day). All of us at the Prep look forward to continuing to experience the Ignatian gift of solidarity and kinship as we gather with alumni throughout the year. May God bless you and your family. Brian Carney Vice President for Mission & Identity