Fordham Prep - Ramview Winter 2024 Vol 44, Issue 1 | Page 40


These pages include all alumni that the Prep was informed have passed away since the publication of the last Ramview Magazine .
Louis Bocchetto ’ 65
Robert Brannigan ’ 49 William Breitling ’ 59 Mario Calabro ’ 82 Roger Cardoso ’ 08 Daniel Doherty ’ 04
Paul Donohue ’ 66 William Eggert ’ 68
Ed Ferraro ’ 65 Larry Firrantello ’ 71 Dennis Goin ’ 63 Richard Herzing ’ 60
Alfred Kelly ’ 47 Robert Kelly ’ 60 John Lyons ’ 64 Rev . Gregory Lyttle ’ 60 Gerald McCarron ’ 84
Dennis McCormack ’ 76
Terence McGrath ’ 51 Michael R . Meng ’ 71 Daniel Minogue ’ 54 Alex Molina ’ 96 , P ’ 15 William Morrison ’ 60
Robert O ’ Donnell ’ 64
Richard O ’ Hara ’ 47
Daniel J . O ’ Neill ’ 55
Dr . Thomas Palmieri
Joseph (“ Mike ”)
Donald Powers , MD
’ 56
Payne ’ 63
’ 47
Lawrence Reilly ’ 57