Fordham Prep - Ramview Winter 2022/Spring 2023 Vol 43 Issue 1 | Page 20

2ND PRIZE WINNER Cameron Drew ’ 23 ($ 25k Scholarship )
Cameron Drew ’ 23 is one of the many seniors who has taken advantage of Fordham Prep ’ s new Computer Science A course , which he notes is a subject he didn ’ t have prior experience with . He has since developed a passion for the field .
Drew wants to study Computer Science in college . “ The iSTEAM program at Fordham Prep has allowed me to figure out what I am interested in and has given me opportunities that I had not previously considered ,” he said . “ I look forward to continuing these studies in college ,” Drew added .
Cameron is an extraordinary young man . He is respectful , open to growth , intellectually curious and honest .”
Drew is a member of the Crew team at Fordham Prep . He also went on the Christian Service Immersion Trip to the Working Boys Center in Ecuador during the summer of 2022 .
“ Cameron is an extraordinary young man ,” said math teacher Lauren Zefran . “ Cameron possesses so many of the qualities Fordham Prep hopes to instill in their graduates . He is respectful , open to growth , intellectually curious and honest . His intelligence , diligence and work ethic served him well in Calculus and will continue to serve him well in the future ,” she continued .
– Lauren Zefran , Math Teacher
3RD PRIZE WINNER Nicolas “ Nico ” Nuño ’ 23 ($ 10k Scholarship )
Nicolas “ Nico ” Nuño ’ 23 is fascinated by the wide range of topics he has been able to explore in the realm of science , technology , engineering , art , and math , as well as the possibilities that are open to him because of it .
He was a natural leader in class … helping his classmates derive equations , interpret data , and guide them to the correct answer to a challenging problem .
– Brian Sullivan ’ 96 , Science Teacher
“ iSTEAM at Fordham Prep has helped me focus on my interests because it has allowed me to try a number of different iSTEAMrelated classes , such as AP Physics or Calculus 2 Advanced Honors , which in turn have helped me find out which specific disciplines I ’ m interested in within the wider world of iSTEAM ,” said Nuño . “ It has also exposed me to classes that I had never before considered taking , such as Computer Science A , a class that I now love ,” he added .
Nuño is interested in studying Economics , Politics , or Philosophy in college here in the United States or abroad .
Nicolas Nuño ’ 23 played tennis at Fordham Prep and traveled to Ireland in November 2022 with the Global Education program .
“‘ Conscientious ’ is one word to describe Nicolas Nuño ,” said science teacher Brian Sullivan ’ 96 . “ He provided a very dynamic presence in class and was a very focused and engaged learner . He had a natural comfort and confidence with the AP Physics 1 curriculum . His work was always completed in a neat and meticulous manner , especially his solutions to lengthy problems . He was a natural leader in class , especially during labs and other group work exercises . It was common to observe Nicolas helping his classmates derive equations , interpret data , and guide them to the correct answer to a challenging problem . He helped his classmates in a very friendly and encouraging manner . It was an absolute pleasure having Nicolas in class ,” he continued .