Fordham Prep - Ramview Winter 2021/Spring 2022 Vol 42 Issue 2 | Page 34

“ A Jesuit education is critically vital to the structure of a young man ’ s life .”

“ A Jesuit education is critically vital to the structure of a young man ’ s life .”


Show What ’ s


Tony Mazza ’ 63 graduated from Fordham Prep and went on to get his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Fordham University — and now he ’ s giving back .

Tony , a hardworking , successful , and philanthropic commercial real estate investor , credits the Prep for molding him into the man he is today . “ A Jesuit education is so important for young men ,” he says . “ It ’ s critically vital to the structure of a young man ’ s life .”
He ’ s showing what ’ s important to him by including
Fordham Prep in his will . His legacy gift will establish an endowed scholarship so that future generations of young men will benefit from the transformative experience of the Jesuit education the Prep offers its students .
With just a few sentences in your will naming Fordham Prep as a beneficiary , you too can support the Jesuit values that have helped shape so many successful graduates . Whether you direct your gift to create a scholarship , build our endowment , fund special programs that have meaning to you , or leave your gift unrestricted and
designated to the area of greatest need , it ’ s an easy way to make a remarkable impact .
For information on how your charitable estate planning can create a legacy at Fordham Prep , contact Suzanne Dowden , Director , Engagement & Development , at 718-367-7500 , ext . 274 or dowdens @ fordhamprep . org , or visit preplegacy . org . If you have already included the Prep in your estate plans , please let us know so we can honor your generosity as the newest member of the Shea-McDonough Legacy Society and ensure that your gift is used as you intend .