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Great Ape Project warns of the imminent extinction of the Cross River gorilla, if urgent measures are not taken to protect them.

Announced sending a member of the Great Ape Project in Cameroon, to assess their problems. Stresses once again that great apes are not species that should be in captivity. Report the danger to populations of mountain gorillas and human populations of pygmies in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

This organization emphasizes once again that the captive to the great apes, is not a real alternative or a program aimed at the preservation or reintroduction to the wild specimens. Recent studies by the School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent, Canterbury (United Kingdom), chimpanzees in zoos, they show a variety of abnormal behaviors, some of them as possible signs of impaired mental health, concluding that abnormal behavior is present in all individuals studied. This research can be extended to all the other great apes (bonobos, orangutans and gorillas).

So Great Ape Project calls for great apes are taken from zoos and sanctuaries carried enough space for them to live in peace the rest of his days and annul the captive breeding projects through contraception to avoid the birth of new living beings also suffer psychological problems and lifelong captivity.