Food MArketing & Technology In India Food Marketing & Technology In India Vol 10 | Page 42

Packaging INTELLIGENT PACKAGING SYSTEMS: A NEXT GENERATION TECHNOLOGY food poisoning. It also helps food industries in maximising the efficiency and in improving product traceability. BY: MANDEEP KAUR * T he packaging is a very important aspect for any commodity, as it separates the products from the external environment. The packaging is assumed to serve four basic functions such as: protection; communication; convenience; and containment. In addition to its benefits like improved marketing and distribution, packaging can also retard product deterioration, retain the beneficial effects of processing, extend shelf-life, and maintain or increase the quality and safety of food. However, packaging is not capable of eliminating complete quality losses because the intrinsic properties of highly perishable foods change after processing. While we are addressing the importance of packaging, it is also important to mention here that the packaging industry nowadays is witnessing the latest trends towards sustainability, improved product safety, and high-quality standards. The packaging industry is also driven by the changes in consumer preferences for safe food that demands innovations in packaging technologies. Researchers and scientists are making their way in order to achieve these requirements. integration into packaging materials or systems. The purpose of this article is to offer a perspective of developing the next generation of intelligent food packaging systems that can be easily integrated into future food packaging materials in a modular way. Need for Intelligent Packaging in the Food Industry The major part of the food is being lost during transportation and storage. In order to reduce this unintentional food wastage, the concept of intelligent packaging systems could be utilised. The processed food undergoes many microbiological and chemical tests at the company level during production and before delivery. But in most scenarios, there is no proper control over the product quality when they are being delivered to supermarket and stored in warehouses. Here intelligent packaging plays a significant role by closing this gap. These systems are capable of monitoring and displaying the quality status from the point of manufacture up to the end customer. This monitoring not only minimises unintentional food waste but also protects consumers from potential Intelligent packaging technology is a new concept becoming more popular in the food sector. By definition, the intelligent packaging systems are those that monitor the condition of packaged food in order to give information regarding its quality during transportation and storage. These technologies are developed and designed to meet the increasing demand for safer foods with better shelf life. The market for intelligent packaging systems is expected to have a promising future by their Food Marketing & Technology 42 August 2019 Intelligent System Categories Intelligent systems can be classified into three main categories i.e. sensors, indicators and radiofrequency identification (RFID) systems Sensors: The developments in the areas of sensors and biosensors have enabled the expansion of new materials, devices, and multifunctional sensing systems to monitor food quality, safety, or spoilage. These advanced sensing systems usually monitor gas production, humidity, temperature, and microorganisms’ growth within packaged food. The sensor-based technology has great potential for applications in food packaging and it has brought us one step closer to enable real-time monitoring of food throughout the supply chain. Indicators: As the name suggests they can be used to indicate the presence, absence or concentration of another substance. They may also indicate the degree of reaction if it has taken place between two or more substances by means of a characteristic change such as: change in colour.