Food MArketing & Technology In India Food Marketing & Technology In India Vol 10 | Page 41 substances but provides barriers to oxygen & carbon dioxide. On the other side, lipid films are prepared from waxes fatty acids, sucrose fatty acid esters, acetylated monoglycerides and like materials. Unlike hydrocolloid films, they provide barriers to water vapour but lack structural strength & durability. They also add gloss to the product. Composite films may include application of any one or both of lipids and hydrocolloids. Like, lipids they may provide a barrier to water vapor movement and hydrocolloids provide mechanical strength and supporting matrix. Therefore, the film has both properties and provides better results as compared to that of hydrocolloids and lipid films. Another example of composite film is casein and acetylated monoglycerides. They are effective barriers to water loss in fruits and vegetables. Edible coatings reduce water loss and protect against contamination. They also reduce gas diffusion and improve mechanical integrity. It encapsulates aroma compounds, pigments, antioxidants, vitamins etc. Common edible coatings are nutre seal (modified cellulose polymers), waxes, long-chain fatty acids like paraffin, pro-long (sucrose polyesters of FA + Na salts of CMC) etc. Conclusion Thus, it may be concluded that advanced packaging like active packaging, CAP, MAP, and edible films are getting popularized in the market as they resolve the problems of consumers and add more nutrition to their foods. But, more advancement is needed to make them resistible of all environmental factors. Researchers are looking forward in this area to prepare more effective, convenient and smart packaging which is consumers’ first choice. * Dr Tanu Jain is an assistant professor at the Amity Institute of Food Technology, Amity University, Noida, UP.