Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 54 2024 | Page 38

Vertical Farming with UniCloud

Tripled crop yield , decreased costs , and improved ROI

Vertical Farming with UniCloud
Food & Beverage
Jones Food Company — one of Europe ’ s largest operating vertical farms — drives precision agriculture with Unitronics UniCloud and PLC Controllers . UniCloud enables JFC to triple its crop yield and save costs via intelligent energy resource management .
The Company
Jones Food Company ( JFC ) designs , builds , and operates some of the largest vertical farms in the world , supplying huge quantities of fresh , local food 365 days a year . Their indoor hydroponic farms grow fresh produce in a completely controlled internal environment on layers stacked from floor to ceiling .
38 FDPP - www . fdpp . co . uk
The goal of JFC vertical farming is to grow the best local fresh produce for their customers all year round sustainably , and affordably , while reducing the need for harmful chemicals — and with the highest possible yield . Vertical farms can out-produce traditional farms by as much as 100x per square meter .
Jones Food Company , Britain ’ s most successful vertical farming business , opened its second vertical farm , JFC2 , near Lydney , Gloucestershire . 11 January 2024 .
The Challenge
JFC ’ s vertical farms require full automation for the delivery of water and nutrients — and strict monitoring and control of the environmental factors critical to growing plants such as temperature , humidity , CO2 levels , light intensity , and soil / growthmedium moisture . They wanted to optimize productivity and identify areas where it was possible to lower operating costs .
To achieve their goals JFC had to be able to monitor growing crop conditions at all times and in real-time , and needed one central platform that would always be accessible to JFC operators and management .
They made the decision to modernize their systems and