Plastics and paper in contact with foodstuffs 2024 - Europe ’ s leading food contact industry event
The vast amount of legislation on the safety of food packaging can be baffling and navigating through constant amendments to national and European regulations , plus changes in guidance documents relating to food contact materials is increasingly challenging for the packaging industry . In Vienna , on the 10-11 December 2024 the Plastics and Paper in Contact with Foodstuffs ( P & P ) 2024 conference will return . Over 150 food contact professionals are expected to attend at the Arcotel Wimberger hotel to address all topical concerns in the food contact industry .
The sessions will cover current and future regulatory considerations for the FCM industry , PFAS - evaluating end user responsibility and alternative material considerations , extending food contact regulations to other materials , the supply chain communication and FCM
compliance , recycled materials and what PPWR means for FCM , toxicology and NIAS plus testing and analytics .
Extended Producer Responsibility ( EPR ) laws for packaging are growing increasingly popular amongst policymakers as a perceived solution to better manage the lifecycle of consumer product packaging . Delegates have the option to attend a preconference workshop in person on the 9th of December . This workshop will begin with an overview of how EPR laws for packaging work , and how key differences amongst EPR laws can impact compliance obligations for different parties in the packaging value chain . The workshop also will provide an in-depth overview of packaging EPR laws in the USA , including the laws already adopted in California , Colorado , Maine , Minnesota , and Oregon . .
www . food-contact . com
Plastics & Paper in Contact with Foodstuffs 9-11 December 2024 | Vienna , Austria
P & P is a gathering of likeminded professionals looking to address all topical concerns in the food contact industry and develop their knowledge on how to best comply with the latest regulations .
www . food-contact . com with code : PP24SFD
FDPP - www . fdpp . co . uk 37