Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 44 2023 | Page 73

Demand is increasing every year , especially with regard to highthroughput cells that can operate within stringent hygiene parameters .
As well as the ability to gently and rapidly handle large quantities of fresh produce , it is im-perative that any robotic solutions specified by Samey Robotics are also robust and reliable . “ Given the nature of our clients ’ supply chain , the fish will spoil if production stops for any length of time ,” states Kristjan . “ Some of our customers handle up to 500 tonnes of fresh produce per day , so unexpected downtime is simply not an option . The reliability of FANUC robots has been a huge factor in our joint success .”
A perfect storm of rising labour costs , post-Covid digital transformation and affordable au-tomation has helped drive a surge in industrial robot installations throughout the food and beverage processing industry . In fact , the number of industrial robots installed in European food processing applications is set to double in the 10 years from 2015 to 2025 , and Samey Robotics is experiencing this growth first hand : “ Demand is increasing every year , especially with regard to high-throughput cells that can operate within stringent hygiene parameters ,” says Kristjan . “ The market is seeing the benefits that automation can bring from both a productivity and profitability point of view .”
For Oliver Selby , Robotics Business Development Manager for FANUC UK , supporting Samey Robotics ’ innovative and forward-thinking approach to automating the fresh fish supply chain is testament to the power of a strong supplier-client relationship : “ We have a number of longstanding client relationships , but to go from strength to strength like we have with Samey Robotics is especially rewarding . Key to our partnership is transparency . It ’ s a trait which runs throughout our business , right from the very top at our headquarters in Japan down to our delivery drivers meeting clients on the ground . This builds trust and gives our customers confidence that they can rely on us to deliver what we ’ ve promised .”
Also key to the partnership ’ s success is a focus on innovation . “ For a number of years now , Samey Robotics has been leading supply chain development in the European fish sector , with their automated approach to distribution serving as an example for other food sectors to follow . Going forward , Samey Robotics ’ customer base is changing as the company em-barks on a growth initiative through acquisition . Moving beyond Europe , it is now opening up to a global audience . At the forefront of this strategy is of course robotics and automa-tion , and Samey Robotics is keen to spread its commitment to automated supply chains in-to regions that are not necessarily renowned for automation . We are excited to continue supporting them in this exciting phase of their journey , derisking their future business to ensure that Samey Robotics continues to be renowned for implementing solutions that fa-cilitate the fast , safe and efficient handling of fresh fish , right across the world .”
To this end , FANUC has recently begun supplying Samey Robotics with an alternative to the M-410 , providing the company with a different robotic solution to improve end product handling even further : the M-2000 . On the inbound supply chain direct from the boat , fresh fish is loaded directly from 460 kg totes into the fish processing equipment by the M-2000 ; the strongest 6-axis robot on the market , boasting a handling capacity of up to 2.3 tonnes and a maximum reach of up to 4.7m . This robotic solution changes the way food producers need to think about their onsite logistics , removing the need for specialist forklift trucks and drivers , and representing the ideal choice for gentle handling of what is a delicate food item .
With over 100 FANUC M-410 robots already purchased by Samey Robotics ( including 25 in 2021 alone ), the company currently has a further 25 on order
For Samey Robotics , a commitment to innovation , transparency and reliability ensures that FANUC remains a key partner in its ongoing global success . Kristjan concludes : “ We are proud to have enjoyed such a longstanding relationship with FANUC . For us , and our cus-tomers , the reliability of their robots is priceless .”
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