Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 44 2023 | Page 72

FANUC and Samey Robotics ’ 22-year partnership has revolutionised the international supply chain for fresh fish using FANUC ’ s M-410 series of industrial palletising robots

Fanuc support helps Samey Robotics to revolutionise fresh fish supply chain

A 22-year partnership with leading industrial robot manufacturer FANUC has been hailed as a key factor in Icelandic firm Samey Robotics ’ role in revolutionising the international sup-ply chain for fresh fish . Specialising in the design , manufacture and installation of bespoke automation for the food processing industry , Samey Robotics has delivered over 150 pro-jects across 10 countries including Iceland , Norway , the Faroe Islands and the UK . At the heart of many of its tailored solutions is FANUC ’ s M-410 series of industrial palletising robots , renowned for its ability to handle heavy items , such as pallets of fresh produce . With over 100 FANUC M-410 robots already purchased by Samey Robotics ( including 25 in 2021 alone ), the company currently has a further 25 on order . 72 FDPP - www . fdpp . co . uk
“ We know we can trust FANUC products to deliver time and time again in harsh operating environments while handling delicate and high-margin fresh produce ,” says Kristjan Karl Adalsteinsson , Samey Robotics ’ Chief Sales & Marketing Officer .
Samey Robotics was founded 32 years ago , just south of Reykjavik in Iceland ; a country re-nowned for its seafood . During this time , the company has built a reputation for delivering robust robotic systems that promote the safe , efficient and fast handling of fresh fish .
Blazing a trail for other food sectors to follow , Samey Robotics has revolutionised the fresh fish supply chain , with distribution handled by automated centres supported by robotics . In many cases , fish may be landed , processed and shipped to the customer within just 24 hours , meaning every second counts .
“ An order can be placed in London , logged onto one of our customers ’ operating systems in Iceland or another coastal country , and a robot will automatically start feeding the raw pro-duce into the production cell ,” explains Kristjan . “ In less than an hour , it will be palletised and on its way to being shipped , without anyone having to send an email , take a phone call or make a decision as to when to start or stop the system . The whole process , from order to delivery , is fully automated .”