Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 44 2023 | Page 52

blueberries and grapes – and totalling 130 million packs of fruit annually – the Brillopak design also needed to factor in interlinked timings at each sensor control point .
Running much like a massive train set , each line calls to the Crate DESTAKers to feed crates to the robot where products are packed into the crate , gently but at high speed . To avoid packing bottlenecks and crate collisions , ‘ stop ’ and ‘ go ’ sensors at every conveyor touchpoint , including looking up through the conveyor rollers , instruct the feeding of crates to the robot UniPAKers and PAKstations in a constant cycle . With 11 adjacent lines running concurrently , the programming is seamless .
With all simulations proving the efficacy of Thrapston ’ s automation program , commission , build and install were given the green light . This is when the planning fun really ramps up , claims Craig . “ Once GO authorisation is issued , plans become even more detailed . Brillopak updates accelerated from monthly to bi-weekly to daily and finally hourly , with all
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workstreams kept in the loop throughout the install . The team , in my experience , is second to none . They are knowledgeable , supportive , flexible and very easy to work with .”
A machine is just that … a machine . Yet , how technology talks to each other and integrates with everything else up and down the line is where the true value rests .
Using a timelapse camera , day and night Craig monitored progress against every element of his detailed plan . “ When overseeing multiple contractors , and equipment is being moved in and connected overnight , it ’ s essential to have eyes on every aspect ,” notes Craig . Staff training also needs to be factored into this plan ; enabling the workforce during each switchover to have the confidence to automatically step between one packing process to another .
Citing Brillopak ’ s true expertise as being pick-and-place robotics , Craig is resolute that it ’ s often the less-visible services that are so fundamental to the success of automation projects . “ A machine is just that … a machine . Yet , how technology talks to each other and integrates with everything else up and down the line is where the true value rests . Projects of this scale require constant tweaks and adjustments . Having Brillopak by our side to help ensure elements aren ’ t missed during the scoping out phase to resolving issues , even if they are not their making , is the real value-add . From the biggest challenge to the smallest detail , they deliver on every count ,” ends Craig .
Over the phased installations , Thrapston installed 40 Brillopak machines spread across 11 fresh produce packing lines . The latest tally includes eight Delta robotic UniPAKers , six semi-automated ergonomic PAKStations , four crate DESTAKers , 11 bale arm closers , and 11 double stackers .
www . brillopak . co . uk