Food & Drink Processing & Packaging Issue 44 2023 | Page 51

Approximately one fifth of the main track was removed along with the overhead crate feed track .
assured that every potential stumbling block to fully-automated integration had been considered and addressed .”
Craig equates it to running a military operation . He explains : “ There are so many processes and factors to consider at the outset when reconfiguring the layout . You are having to balance lots of competing issues . Once you press go and commence deployment of equipment , you need to feel confident that every abstract and potential curveball has been considered and addressed .”
In Thrapston ’ s case , with multiple packing workstations , Brillopak and the Morrisons Project team had to preconsider the entire logistics of changing every workflow . This included examining access points , where power feeds needed to be added or repositioned , the conveyor layouts and the precise locations of every single communication sensor , of which there were dozens , and all the programming software required to circumvent bottlenecks .
Brillopak produced the initial architectural drawings for the
Morrisons , Thrapston phased automation concept . Its consulting service started with a 3D model to insert and remove machinery until every facet had been considered and a workable plan was realised . The automation specialist now has a 3D printed version of this template to assist customers physically manoeuvre and visualise how they might build up their factory floor . This helps to ensure critical factors aren ’ t overlooked that could potentially jeopardise automation transitions .
Defining these requirements commences with Brillopak performing a full plant due diligence exercise , capturing the exact requirements and determining the automation goals and drivers . In step two , the company examines existing plant architecture to assess space , utilities , flow and potential , including technology or conveyor tracks that could be redeployed into the new space . Lastly , Brillopak examines the packaging , in terms of the product , the package types , the primary materials and the desired throughput , to define the robotic systems .
The devil , re-emphasises Craig , is most definitely in the detail . “ It ’ s a constant juggling act . Especially when maintaining packing operations while simultaneously designing and installing new lines . Frankly , from the moment the design commences to signing the order and install , the project management process becomes your entire life .”
Flipping the entire packing hall layout around 180-degrees while keeping the main track operational through all three stages of the project was logistically challenging , reaffirms Craig . It involved multiple simulations to define the best approach . New access doors and platforms were inserted and refrigeration doors were moved .
Approximately one fifth of the main track was removed along with the overhead crate feed track . To optimise efficiency a two-tiered conveyor track was proposed . Now , the lower level feeds all the clean empty crates to the 11 packing lines , while the top tier transports filled fresh produce crates to the palletiser .
Given all the additional product SKUs being processed – comprising apples , pears , tomatoes , apricots ,
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