The Frightening Amount of Money You ’ re Losing and How Quantum ’ s ‘ Try Before You Buy ’ Energy-Saving Equipment Will Save You Thousands !
Systems powered by electric motors make up a whopping 40 % of the world ’ s total electricity consumption and 65 % in the UK .
However , many companies are unaware of the latest technologies that could significantly reduce energy prices and dramatically reduce global and UK electricity demand by 20 % to 30 %.
To improve the energy performance of your facility and save costs , Quantum Controls believes in a “ try before you buy ” approach .
This means business owners and engineers will find significant savings before spending a penny .
To optimize energy use , we look at your system , and test the following :
• What is your installation designed to achieve ?
• How well is it doing this ?
• What components are involved ?
• How do they work together ?
• On what grounds have they been selected ?
• How well is the application still performing ?
Installing high-efficiency motors and drives can result in great energy savings , providing that the installation works as intended in its current setup .
But frequently , users , eager to benefit from energy savings , fit drives in installations that are not properly set up . This may well lead to some energy savings , but the savings achievable by putting the process right would be much greater .
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Quantum Controls will come to your site and look at maximise the energy efficiency of your machinery before considering any energy solutions .
Our secret is to get the process right first and then investigate where potential losses occur .
For example , if a system – a conveyor belt , for instance – is frequently running empty , it may be useful to be able to start and stop it according to demand , using a variable-speed drive , without having to think of start-up .
This will be a great boost to energy savings . And your bottom line .
If an application runs frequently with a low load , it can be a good idea to look at synchronous reluctance motors , which often halve losses in low-load conditions .
Optimising energy use is about identifying when energy is used for a purpose , and when it ’ s not .
The Quantum Controls Q360 Site Survey audit is a good first step toward ensuring that your plant is operating efficiently .