Food & Drink Process & Packaging Issue 31 2020 | Page 27

X34 X-ray Inspection System The Latest Innovation in X-ray Technology

X34 : Precise - Reliable - Easy-to-Use

The X34 x-ray system has already established itself as the company ’ s most successful x-ray product . Created specifically for the packaged food industry , It is accessible for all food manufacturers wanting a product inspection system designed for precision , ease-of-use and reliability . The X34 x-ray system does not compromise on its ability to detect and reject metal , glass , high-density plastic , mineral stone and calcified bone fragments .
The combination of the X34 ’ s precise 0.4mm detector , powerful generator and advanced ContamPlus™ software means food manufacturers can detect hard-to-find physical contaminants , eliminating costly product recalls and protecting consumers and brand reputations .
Visit our website to find out more : 4 www . mt . com / xray-X34