Some of the problem is compounded by
increasingly high consumer expectations
and retailer specifications. Yet, blame
can also be apportioned to mechanical
failures and inefficient weighing systems.
Sparc Theia systems can address some
of these issues. Housing a high-spec
checkweighing station, the Theia
systems process products at an accurate
weight, offsetting the potential for
both product giveaway and incomplete
packages reaching the market.
As a single unit, the Theia has two reject
bins to separate contaminant and weight
rejects. If it’s the latter, the operator
can simply rework the product and
send it through to secondary packaging,
diminishing the frequency of false
rejects and waste. “This feature works
in harmony with Theia’s x-ray solution
to deliver premium checkweighing
performance in a simple-to-operate
way. In some cases, our customers have
reported a 55% reduction in product
giveaway,” adds Charlie.
The combination system is remarkably
compact, even when incorporating
Sparc’s label inspection technology,
Sparc Eye, which inspects products
from both the top and bottom of
the pack. Designed to eliminate
emergency product recalls, the system
automatically rejects any mislabelled
items if errors are found and doesn’t
require operator input at product
changeover. The result - greater
compliance with legislative food
labelling requirements.
As with all Sparc equipment, a single,
clear, touch-screen control panel offers
constant feedback on operational
elements including volume, weight and
speed. Consequently, the unit is easily
adapted to inspect different products,
packs and sizes, and can be deployed at
any stage in the manufacturing process.
Utilising the principles of Industry 4.0,
integrated data collection software
provides instant live OEE data, reporting
directly to production and Quality
Assurance (QA) personnel.
“Ultimately, food safety and weight
legislation is getting stricter all the time,
while consumer expectations are on
the rise. As a result, we recommend
devoting the right resources to the
inspection process,” concludes Charlie.
“A long-term investment in proven
equipment like our Theia system can go
a long way to future-proofing against
any errors such as contamination, poor
labelling or rejection of underweight
or overweight items.” productivity,
reduce product giveaway and eliminate
contaminants from the supply chain
with pinpoint accuracy. Designed to
ensure full compliance with retailer
Codes of Practice, all Sparc inspection
units offer the flexibility of fully
upgradable technology and dynamic
data extraction to support real-time
For close to two decades, Sparc has
collaborated with Fortress Technology
Europe customising bespoke solutions.
The two companies entered into a more
formal partnership in 2019, merging
their Malven-based R&D to launch a
range of fully-supported, fail-safe global
combination inspection systems.
The Theia combination system provides a
repeatable and consistent inspection process
for high-risk items including sliced meat and
cheese, frozen products and convenience meals
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