Food & Drink Process & Packaging Issue 29 2020 | Page 21

The touch-screen control panel offers constant feedback on operational elements including volume, weight and speed. An in-line, servo driven reject system removes the need for compressed air, offering potential savings of up to £4,000 a year on running costs. By adopting automated adjustments and removing or minimising the need for human intervention, manufacturers of high-risk items (sliced meat and cheese, frozen products and convenience meals, etc.) benefit from a repeatable and consistent inspection process. The high resolution of the metal ceramic x-ray tubes allows the Theia to detect foreign materials with sensitivity levels that outperform any current technology, driving increased security and reducing the risk of costly product recalls. and reducing the likelihood of product damage. The unique concept means that every aspect of the product handling is transparent. Charlie comments: “Having a clear side removes the mystery and fear factor, especially when there’s a stainless steel box with a big radiation sign on the side. And, most importantly for food manufacturers today, the system offers fully traceable paperless machine testing audits, making it one of the most transparent machines on the market today.” DRIVING OUT FOOD WASTE According to WRAP’s Roadmap Progress report, between 2010 and 2016 food waste contributed 8-10% of total manmade greenhouse gas (GHG) emissionsiii. And while supermarkets and households get a lot of flack for contributing to this, in fact producers and manufacturers can be the biggest culprits, wasting 1.8 million tonnes, reports WRAP. Traceability on the Theia has been enhanced in a number of ways. To eliminate the safety concerns associated with x-ray systems, Sparc recently incorporated a protective high-density acrylic window. As a result, food debris, product accumulations and bottlenecks are instantly visible. Rather than carrying on unaware, operatives can halt production lines instantly, slide open the doors, clear and clean the conveyor, minimising disruption Contaminant and weight rejects are isolated in separate lockable reject bins FDPP - 21