Going oil-free in the dairy sector
Dairies that rely heavily on compressed Atmospheric air, if not treated when
air systems to power their processes, used for compression, can introduce
production and packaging lines contaminants like water vapour, airborne
are turning to oil-free compressor dirt, non-combusted hydrocarbons, pollen
technologies to avoid the risk of product and microorganisms into the distribution
contamination, as BOGE's General network. While filtration can tackle
Manager, Mark Whitmore, explains. these, the compressors themselves can
Of all process resources in the dairy
sector, compressed air is possibly the
most ubiquitous. It is used in a host of
process applications, including product
add wear particles, while oil lubricated
compressors will introduce small
amounts of oil at the compression stage
in the form of liquid, aerosol, vapour and
hydrocarbon oxidation particulates. Removing oil from the compression
labelling, bottle filling and packaging. In an effort to find a solution, compressor stage is by far the most important step
Unfortunately, microorganisms and dirt manufacturer BOGE use the technology to take when embarking on a project to
can be pulled into the compressed air in their EO scroll compressor range, which eliminate contaminants from a dairy’s
system along with oil and liquids that can eliminates the need for oil altogether. compressed air network. With this is in
seep through worn seals, posing real risks This whisper-quiet technology also mind, BOGE offers a selection of oil-free
to consumer health. benefits from low-vibration and is 100% air compressors for the broader food and
oil-free. Recommended for sensitive drink processing and packaging sectors,
applications, it consists of one or more including the SO series of oil-free, easy-
scroll compressors. Each operates to-maintain screw compressors. These
with two compressor screws, with one ranges are designed so that the entire
being stationary while the other rotates drive mechanism operates without any
eccentrically. Although the two spirals lubricants at all, guaranteeing 100% oil-
intermesh, they do not touch each other. free air delivery for sensitive downstream
The air taken in is continuously forced processes.
into an increasingly confined space, so BOGE Compressors Ltd.
producing pulsation-free compressed air Telephone: 01484 719921
which is absolutely oil-free. Email: [email protected]
handling, cooling, pasteurisation,
In cases where such contamination is
detected, the product has to be discarded
at great cost to the manufacturer.
But where a contamination issue isn’t
identified, regulators can impose crippling
fines due to non-compliance using
recognised industry standards such
as ISO 8573, or a company’s failure to
conduct a more thorough Hazard Analysis
and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
12 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk
Website: uk.boge.com/en