Guide Reveals Opportunities
For Improved Profits For
Poultry Processors
A new white paper from Ishida Europe emergence of a new middle class in However, although this offers
explains how increased automation developing economies. opportunities for the poultry sector,
and in-line processing can help poultry
suppliers improve profitability at a
time when margins are continually
being squeezed and quality and safety
standards further tightened.
This is leading to further demand for
poultry products, with one of America’s
largest poultry producers, Pilgrim’s Pride,
estimating a 1.2% annual growth rate in
chicken production worldwide.
both consumers and retailers are also
seeking more responsible and sustainable
practices throughout the food chain while
not expecting this to have a significant
impact on the final shelf price.
The Poultry Processing Blueprint Poultry processors therefore have to
highlights the increased pressures on balance cost increases in meeting new
the food supply chain fuelled by global standards with further efficiencies
population growth, in particular the elsewhere in their operations.
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