So stainless steel doesn’t rust?
Tell that to our maintenance team
Although stainless steel has a high
corrosion resistance (a minimum 10.4%
Cr in the steel makes all the difference)
it is a myth that stainless steel does not
rust. It can be attacked by any number of
contaminants. Tools or iron components
left on a bench, aggressive cleaning acids
can all cause corrosion to start.
Inoxiclean Restore is available in a handy
100% bio-degradable and food safe,
introductory kit, in a 500ml spray bottles
Inoxiclean Restore is the simple solution for
or in larger 5 litre containers. The choice
renovating and restoring industrial kitchens
is yours.
and food processing equipment. Use
Restore to remove T-staining and rust from And as a thank you f or trying Inoxiclean
stainless steel surfaces without changing Restore we are offering readers of FDPP
the surface finish. Simply spray on, agitate magazine a special introductory 15%
the surface, leave Inoxiclean Restore to do discount. Simply add the words FDPP2017
it’s job, then wash away the rust. in the basket.
Handling a Better Solution
Embracing the latest technology, Kensal consistently delivers improved line
efficiency for customers, whilst reducing operating costs.
Stainless steel conveyor systems Integration and project management
Stand alone units or fully integrated Service support and upgrades
Robotic and end of line equipment Partnered with Lita Palletising
Systems for over 30 years
Bespoke engineering capabilities
Turnkey and standalone solutions
[email protected] | tel: +44 (0) 1 582 425 777
Kensal Handling Systems Ltd, Kensal House, President Way, Luton, LU2 9NR
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