Food & Drink Process & Packaging Issue 14 2017 | Page 44

opportunity to invest in something investment in Memphis Meats is an desperate need of a solution. After a so important does not come along exciting way for Cargill to explore the careful global search, taking into con- often,” says Steve Jurvetson, DFJ potential in this growing segment of sideration both taste and science, we Partner. “This is a moment where the the protein market. Memphis Meats believe that Memphis Meats leads the investment potential and the poten- has the potential to provide our cus- field. We look forward to helping them tial to do good for the world are both tomers and consumers with expanded bring their products to the world's off the charts. Investors have been protein choices and is aligned with our largest international markets.” watching this space for years, and mission to nourish the world in a safe, Memphis Meats has emerged as the responsible and sustainable way.” clear leader. It is thrilling to watch the “This is a momentous occasion for an- yone who wants to see a food system Memphis Meats plans to bring clean that is safe, good for the planet and meat products to consumers across animals, and completely satisfying the world, and the investor coalition to consumers,” adds Bruce Friedrich, brings global reach and relationships. Executive Director of the Good Food Atomico Partner Carolina Brochado Institute. “Memphis Meats is doing explains, “There are few challen- amazing work to make this vision a ges larger and more global than the reality. We are excited to welcome a “We are committed to growing our sustainability of the way we eat. Meat meat industry leader into the fold, and traditional protein business and in- production today uses one third of I believe they have enormous poten- vesting in innovative new proteins to Earth's fresh water and land surface tial to support and accelerate this ultimately provide a complete basket and generates nearly one fifth of all work. For animal welfare and envi- of goods to our customers,” says greenhouse gas emissions. With a ronmental advocates, today is a huge Sonya McCullum Roberts, president of projected demand growing by near- step forward.” growth ventures, Cargill Protein. “Our ly 70% by 2050, we know we are in team work, and to try the products, which the entire DFJ team agreed are the real thing. I am so excited for the future that Memphis Meats will crea- te.” Jurvetson will join the company’s board of directors. 44 FDPP -