The $17M Series A round was led Memphis Meats plans to use the Memphis Meats. “The world loves
by DFJ, a leading venture capital firm funds to continue developing delicious to eat meat, and it is core to many
that has previously backed Tesla, products, to accelerate its work in of our cultures and traditions. Meat
SpaceX and Skype. In an unpreceden- scaling up clean meat production, and demand is growing rapidly around
ted milestone, Cargill and other food to reduce production costs to levels the world. We want the world to keep
industry giants invested in Memphis comparable to – and ultimately below eating what it loves. However, the
Meats as part of the round. Bill Gates – conventional meat costs. The com- way conventional meat is produced
and Richard Branson invested in the pany expects to quadruple its head- today creates challenges for the envi-
round, as did Atomico, one of Europe’s count, and has already begun growing ronment, animal welfare and human
largest VC firms. New Crop Capital, its team of chefs, scientists creative health. These are problems that ever-
SOSV, Fifty Years, KBW Ventures, people and business people. yone wants to solve, and we can solve
Inevitable Ventures, Suzy and Jack
Welch, Kyle Vogt, and Kimbal Musk
also participated. Multiple research
institutions joined the round. The
company has now raised $22M to
them by bringing this incredible group
“We’re going to bring meat to the
plate in a more sustainable, afforda-
ble and delicious way,” explains Uma
Valeti, M.D., co-founder and CEO of
of partners under one tent. This group
will help us accelerate our progress
“Clean meat is an enormous tech-
nological shift for humanity, and an
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