4. Anonymous
A matching diamond necklace and earring
set made from an unusual material
At first glance this doesn’t look too unusual.
However, the jewellery in question was actually
made from the ashes of the testator’s parents.
She herself had no wishes to have her own ashes
converted into jewellery to continue this legacy.
5. Harry Houdini
A secret code to contact the testator after
Harry Houdini, the famous escape artist, was
known to be obsessed with spiritualism and
contacting the dead, though he dedicated a part of
his career to uncovering fraud mediums. To that
end, in his will he left his wife a 10-digit code and
instructions to hold a séance on every anniversary
of his death. He promised that he would try to
contact her from beyond the grave and she would
know it was him from the secret code.
6. Anonymous
£25,000 to use on an all-inclusive skiing
A testator left a sum of £25,000 to her 3 closest
friends with instructions that they use this to go on
the skiing holiday they had always talked about but
never got around to booking. She also requested
that they took her ashes with them.
Writing a will isn’t all doom and gloom, but before
making any odd requests make sure you speak
to a professional so you can be sure that the
request you’re making is actually possible. It’s also
important that you make sure the request isn’t
likely to cause any friction or lead to your will being
contested. We aren’t sure that you would get away
with leaving your spouse only your second-best bed
the society of will writers