Focus SWW Autumn 2019 | Page 16

Weird Wills: Having the last laugh Writing a will is an important task and one that shouldn’t be neglected. Obviously a will is there to distribute your estate to the people you want to inherit it and to appoint people you trust to make sure your wishes are carried out, but it’s also an opportunity to pass on items of sentiment or make small gestures to the people who mean the most to you. That said, sometimes wills can get downright bizarre. Here’s a look at some odd bequests drawn both from our own personal experience and famous people’s well-known wishes. 1. William Shakespeare “Item I gyve unto my wief my second best bed…” Perhaps the most famous example of an odd bequest was Shakespeare’s gift of his ‘second best bed’ to Anne Hathaway, his wife of 34 years. Though today this may look like a snub it was actually common to specifically gift a bed in a will in the 1600 as they were a representation of wealth. As a wife you’d at least expect the best one though! 2. Anonymous A gift of the left sock of every pair of socks that the testator (person making the will) owned at death. Don’t worry, this wasn’t done out of spite! We’re sure that there was an in-joke here between the brothers involved. 3. Andre Tchaíkowsky A gift of the testator’s own skull Polish composer Tchaíkowsky died in 1982. In his will he made a gift of his skull to the Royal Shakespeare Company with the wish that it was one day used as the skull of Yorick in Hamlet. As desired, his skull was eventually used on stage in 2008 by David Tennant portraying Hamlet. 14 the society of will writers