Focus SWW Autumn 2017 | Page 3

AUTUMN 2017 CONTENTS FEATURES 02 08 16 04 We cover the basics of IHT, from what it is, to how it’s paid and what you can do to mitigate it. What happens if you die without making a Will? 10 KEEPING YOUR WILL SAFE FROM THE DESK OF THE DIRECTOR WHY IS WRITING A WILL IMPORTANT? Do you have a Will? If not, take a look at some of the most simple reasons why you should. 06 IN CONTEMPLATION OF MARRIAGE Did you know that any Will made before a marriage is automatically revoked? What if we told you there’s a way you can avoid this? INHERITANCE TAX AND YOU PET LOVERS AND PROBATE What can you do to ensure your beloved pets will be looked after? 14 WHAT DOES EASTENDERS HAVE TO DO WITH SUCCESSION PLANNING? INTESTACY - ‘LOSING THE WILL’ 18 23 THE FINAL WORD FROM GOLDEN LEAVES FUNERAL PLANS Some (almost) real life examples of why succession planning matters. The Society of Will Writers 1