Focus On Success June 2013 | Page 25

• How many times have we come to a part in our business and our life we stand around wondering where we go from here ?
• How many times have we over planned the strategies and never acted upon them ?
• How many times have we envisaged the result and dreamt about what it will do and change our outcome and hope for the result ?
How many times have we hope rather than acted .
I read the book the secret and even though I thought it was an amazing book it didn ’ t really touch on the words , work or action .
I believe what you believe you receive
How many times have you really hoped for an outcome and dreamt the idea and even lived the idea in your mind . You may have romanced the notion and lived it for a small time . You definitely felt the total belief of your dream and maybe acted it out .
But when the day of results came you were left sour , upset , cheated and let down . Again you fall from grace into the arms of a Victim , be it for a short while hopefully .
In DR Demartini ’ s book “ How to make a hell of a Profit and still get to Heaven “ he talks about your belief over powering your actions . You must have amazing belief following entrepreneur ’ s dreams , but your action must be ten times the belief .