FMP WORK 1 | Page 41

I struggled making the pictures of the products I will be selling on my website look professional. To begin with, I used my kitchen surface as the background but it just wasn't good enough. Therefore, I used a lighting box and I still wasn't satisfied with the outcome. I wanted my website to look real and genuine, therefore I didn't want to settle for average pictures. So in the end, I decided to get pictures from other websites that have been taken by professionals. I think this has made my website look ten times better.

I did have some struggles along the way, for example with Joomag. It’s a very temperamental website, and often I would do work and it wouldn’t save. It was so annoying but there wasn’t much I can do, so I just had to re do it.

I am really passionate about my idea of Bertie’s Boutique which meant I really did enjoy doing this project and it didn’t feel like work to me. I put in so much effort, and tried hard to make my project and business idea stand out. I had so much fun creating it, especially the website. This project has definitely helped me improve my marketing skills, which is brilliant as this is what I would like a career in once I have finished my course. My time at the FRA has honestly been amazing and I am going to be so sad to leave, however this was the perfect project to end on.