Political- Examples of Political factors that could effect my app could include the EU referendum. This ocul lead to users outside of the UK not being able to use my app as we are based inside the UK. We may have to chaarge more or completely cancel the use outside of the UK. Economic- Economical factors that could include the fact that cost of living is constantly on the up and people have a lot less disposable income to spend on whatever they wish to. This will effect our service as it is not a necessity in life but something that people wish to spend their spare money on. Social- How consumers behave will effect my brand, for example if people stop using the internet to shop then it will result in my app no longer being used. This will have negative effects on my business. Social effects on my business also include it being hard for my brand to keep up to date with content and styles for my app. Socially everything is changing everyday, something that was fashionable yesterday may not be today so my brand will constantly have to adjust to everyone changing. Technology- Digital innovation is something that will always have a effect on my business because it is a technology based business. For example if new ideas are coming out my brand will have to adapt to ensure it is relevant and up to date. As no one will want to use a app that doesn't’t work or isn't as advanced as a new one coming out. Also if technology fails to work then customers could be angry with the brand as the service is not working as it should be. Legal- Many legal problems could e ffect my brand such as Data protection which has just changed of recently. This is in how we use the date given to us by our customers, we must abide theses rules set out by the government. Another legal problem with having a app is that all users must abide by the terms and conditions and if this doesn't’t happen it could be a legal problem.