S Strengths of my brand include that there are not many apps which are like mine on the market. There are a few small competitors. The USP of my service is that it is very interactive and accessible. For example we have a online app where people access the service and all social media accounts are up to date and relevant. This is where my competitors fall as they have very dated and not easy to access websites and operate through more email based communication. Another strength is my brand has very strong branding which customers can always recognize. With all bands there are always some type of weaknesses when starting out. One of my brands weaknesses would include the fact that the brand has no reputation yet. This would include no track record for new customers to rely on. With this also comes no loyal customers as of yet. Although these are weaknesses, all starting up businesses go through these problems. Another weakness for the brand could be that because we are doing it app based. There could be faults with the app which we could not be aware until app is open. W O Opportunities my app will give include new career which could be app development, customer services, social media managers. My app will also help create opportunities for brands as it may help to reach out to different audiences. There are many threats that could occur when starting up a business. This would be the same for everyone. A threat would include not having any experience within the industry. A different type of threat could be competitors which could be a threat towards your brand. Another threat could be that the idea is too similar to something which is already on the market. This would be something as a brand where you should decide where you can differentiate yourself to already existing customers T