Sofia Ritchie
Sofia is young, cool and
certainly has her own
style. She would be
perfect to advertise our
brand as she has a
following of 3.5 Million
on Instagram. She is
popular in the UK as
well as America so we
can reach out to a
wider audience.
Georgia Bayliss
Georgia is a
upcoming model in
the UK with 127k
followers on
Instagram. She is
always following the
latest fashions. She
will be perfect to
promote our app as
she is always doing
something from
holidays to festivals.
Lillie Lexi
Lillie is a model,
reality tv star and a
fashion brand owner.
She is constantly
setting trends and
has a love for
fashion. She is
popular in the UK
with 650k followers.
Sarah Ashcroft
Sarah is the
ultimate insta girl
with 862k
followers. She also
has a YouTube
channel. Sarah
gets paid to go on
holiday and
promote clothing
and would be an
ideal candidate to
promote our app.