FM³ Volume 1 | Page 43

Call 0495838548 for more information or visit our website : www . eiffeltours . com or our French website : www . eiffeltours . fr

A trip to Paris isn ’ t complete without visiting the famous Eiffel Tower . Since this is on every tourists ’ mind , this then results in long lines leading up to the entrance . Our service gives you a ‘ Jump-the-line Service ’, so you don ’ t have to go to the trouble of waiting in a very long queue . Plus you get to go the very top floor , that ’ s right , the very top . And this is all just for $ 69 per person . So next time you plan your trip to

Paris , make sure you tour with us to get the complete Parisian adventure .

Call 0495838548 for more information or visit our website : www . eiffeltours . com or our French website : www . eiffeltours . fr