get sore easier . In addition , majority of drivers transporting large cargo or oil trucks are overweight . Because they are overweight , they have the likelihood of falling asleep on the job , narcolepsy or sleep apnoea . This then leads to big car and truck crashes , oil spills and death . This does not just affect the driver , but everyone around him / her . Don ’ t let obesity ruin your life and everyone else around you .
Every step we take to improve our health is a great step forward in our generation and well-being .
It is important for our generation to take action to improve our lives for the future , for the better . If we do not act now , we might be too late .
There are many lifestyle behaviours that we can change to prevent the onset of obesity , diabetes and cardiovascular disease . For example , we can make a start by eating healthily , and swapping fatty foods for foods lower in fat and higher in nutrients that we need for our body . Also , we should exercise more and maybe try walking more , even if you catch a bus to school , try walking to a bus stop a bit further away than usual . In addition , we should try to increase our cardiovascular activity and control our intake of carbohydrates .