Fluoride eBook | Page 8

ACT / E-book / ADA Vendor Showcase Premium Content

It is well documented that chronic periodontal disease has been linked to other chronic diseases , including diabetes , heart disease , and stroke . It has also been shown that poor oral health in pregnant women is associated with premature births and low birth weight . 16
There is no question that oral disease and dental caries compromise overall health and increase the risk of tooth loss , all of which will compromise quality of life in many ways .

The Dentition Dichotomy

Retaining teeth for a lifetime has many benefits — from better nutrition to higher self-esteem . However , there is a flip side . “ People with more teeth become much more at risk for caries development over time for many reasons , and fluoride is the single best way to help them ,” Dr . Levy says .
The epidemiology of the aging population is that people are not losing as many teeth as their predecessors . Compared to 40 years ago , close to half of them may have had few to no teeth remaining . Consequently , beginning in early adulthood and continuing through middle age and into the senior years , more people have previous cavities and restorations . “ The strongest predictor of future cavities is past cavities ,” Dr . Levy says . “ This makes it more likely that they will experience additional cavities and fillings .”
Existing dental restorations , including crowns , crowns and bridges , and orthodontic brackets , can put the tooth structure under and around the restorations at higher risk for decay . 6 Not following a recommended dental homecare regimen exacerbates any of these risk factors .
Reinforcing the Importance of Fluoride Use for Lifelong Dental Health