Florida's Birding & Photo Fest official guide 2018 | Page 8

PHOTOS: JOE BRADY J O E B R A DY sponsored by Joe Brady is a photographer, educator, author, photo workshop leader and studio owner who has been teaching photography and photo editing for over 20 years. Joe is honored to be a member of Sony’s Artisans of Imaging program, is a two-time author on Lynda.com and has contributed articles for the Kelby Media Lightroom Magazine App. As a producer and presenter, Joe delivers online educational webinars and videos for photo-industry companies including X-Rite, Sekonic, PocketWizard, Induro, Benro, Ilford, Novoflex and Sony with over 2 ½ million views in 2015. A recipient of the Fuji Masterpiece Award, Joe is a frequent speaker at local and national events and focuses on scenic and panoramic landscapes and environmental portrait photography. Joe’s Landscape Photography website can be viewed at www.joebradyphotography.com Mastering Landscape & Nature Photography Enhancements with Adobe Lightroom | Photography Seminar Next Level Landscape & Nature Image Enhancements with Adobe Photoshop | Photography Seminar Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Classroom 3 Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Classroom 3 THURSDAY 10 TO 11:30 A.M. SATURDAY 10 TO 11:30 A.M. Price: $25 | Max. No. of People: 30 | Difficulty Level: All Levels Join Joe Brady for a detailed and comprehensive look at Lightroom’s ability to edit and enhance Landscape and Nature Images. From initial import to basic edits and onward to Lightroom’s more advanced editing capabilities, see why this software is often the best place to both start and finish your image editing workflow. You’ll see what Lightroom is best at and why it might also be the best place for your Photoshop edits to return to before sending out to print. Price: $25 | Max. No. People: 30 | Difficulty Level: All Levels While Lightroom is a great place to start your image editing, Adobe Photoshop provides tools, adjustments and editing capabilities far beyond anything Lightroom can offer. Dur-ing this session your host Joe Brady will share his process to take an image edit started in Lightroom and put Photoshop’s power of layers, masking, blending modes, transfor-mations and color correction to shape an image into a beautiful photograph. Users from novice to expert will see new tips and techniques and gain a greater under-standing of where Lightroom leaves off and get a taste of where Photoshop can take you! The Journey to the Perfect Print | Photography Seminar Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Classroom 3 THURSDAY & SATURDAY 1 TO 2:30 P.M. Price: $25 | Max. No. People: 30 | Difficulty Level: All Levels During this in-depth exploration, your host Joe Brady will take you through the journey from the moment before you press the shutter, to software edits and enhancements to options you need to consider before sending for the final print. Joe will include discussions on Color Workflow, paper and print presentation choices and most importantly, visualizing the final print and what impact it will have on all of your decisions. Whether you make your own prints, send out to a lab or simply want to share the best possible photographs online, this presentation will start you on the journey to the best results possible. Top Ten Tips for Portrait Photography and Simple Enhancements Everyone Can Do! | Photography Seminar Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Classroom 3 SUNDAY 10 TO 11:30 A.M. 8 Price: $25 | Max. No. People: 30 | Difficulty Level: All Levels This talk offers an approach to portraits photography and techniques to enhance your final images. When you have a better understanding on what to do (and what NOT to do!) when creating portraits your photo sessions will go quicker and much smoother. Your host Joe Brady will cover posing, lens selection, lighting, communication and basic yet powerful image edits will all be explored.