Originally from Australia, Iain ended his career as a geochemist in West Africa
when it dawned on him that watching and photographing birds was far more
important than gold. He packed up his G-pick, said goodbye to fufu an headed
to South America which better suits his style. Iain built Tandayapa Bird Lodge
in Ecuador and co-founded Tropical Birding tours. He recently published the
new Princeton Birds of Australia: A photo guide. When not guiding birding or
photography tours around the world, Iain travels the planet trying to locate rare
species and photograph them.
Pantanal with Jaguars | Presentation
(Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Movie Room)
Price: FREE | Max No People: 20
The talk focuses on the world-famous Pantanal, a huge seasonal wetland the
size of Texas that offers some of the best wildlife viewing in the world. The best
time for photography is the dry season, when birds are concentrated in the
areas where there is still standing water. The feeding frenzies of hundreds of
herons, ibis, storks, terns, screamers, jacanas, vying with dozens of hungry caiman
offer truly unforgettable spectacles and amazing photo-ops. A highlight of the
Pantanal is the huge electric blue Hyacinth Macaws, truly one of the world’s most
spectacular birds. But to most people the Pantanal is about Jaguars, and this
location does deliver them in decent numbers. In the talk you will get the inside
scoop on visiting the area, pitfalls, things to do and things to avoid.
Galapagos Islands | Presentation
(Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Movie Room)
Price: FREE | Max No People: 20
This famous archipelago straddles the equator 600 miles (1000 km) off the
coast of Ecuador, and it is home to 24 endemic bird species. It is not just the
chance to photograph wildlife here, but the chance to get up-close and
personal with wild animals that are still unafraid of humans; you can feel
as if you are a participant in nature rather than just a spectator. The stark
volcanic scenery is beautiful in its own right and some visitors find themselves
returning again and again. This talk discusses the photo ops in the Galapagos
as well as the new rules which make choosing the right boat that much more
difficult. If you do not want to be stuck doing the standard tourist route, this is
an important talk for you.
Falklands: the Easiest Wildlife Photography
in the World | Presentation
(Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Movie Room)
Price: FREE | Max People: 20
The Falkland Islands are, by far, the easiest wildlife photography in the world.
While the Galapagos Islands receive many more plaudits for the approachability
of the wildlife and the phenomenal photo opportunities available, the Falkland
Islands are equally as good, if not better. The birds and animals on the Falklands
are similarly fearless, and unlike the Galapagos, this archipelago is still largely
off the beaten track, as most visitors just stop in for all too brief visits as part of
an Antarctic cruise, missing both the essence of the islands, and the best photo
spots. You expect to be largely alone, amongst a sea of photo opportunities
for most visits. This talk discusses the various options you have for visiting the
Falklands, the timing of your visit, the length of stay and the key areas to be
visited if you want to maximize your shooting ops.
Exploring the Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR |
Birding Tour
(Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Parking Lot at the entrance to
the Trails - $3 parking fee per car)
FRIDAY 7:00 TO 11:00 A.M.
Price: $10 | Min/Max No People: 4/12 | Difficulty Level: Easy
GTM NERR is one of the premier birding locations in Northeast Florida, hosting
a hardwood hammock alongside the Atlantic coast, becoming as a fantastic
migration hotspot in the spring and fall. Expect to see a host of warblers,
vireos, and other songbirds.
Australia: So Much to Shoot, So Hard to Choose | Presentation
(Meeting Location: GTM Research Reserve, Movie Room)
Ecuador: Where to Shoot Birds | Presentation
Price: FREE | Max No People: 20
The big draw card for most wildlife photographers is the dozens of new animal
families, from birds-of-paradise and kangaroos, to lyrebirds and wombats.
The most daunting thing about planning a trip to Aus is th