Florida Baby 2021 | Page 27

• Feed your baby right before bedtime so they are not hungry when you put them down .
• Put child in bed when sleepy but not asleep . This way they will learn to fall asleep on their own .
• Place babies under one on their back .
• Maintain a nighttime routine , such as feeding , bath , story , etc . and stick to it as closely as you can .
• Put the baby to bed at the same time every night .
• Limit daytime naps to no more than 3 hours .
• If you have an infant , put the baby to nap in places where there is noise and movement , so they don ’ t get used to complete silence with every nap .
• Do not put a bottle or cup in bed with your baby or toddler .
• Consider the use of a pacifier , but only after your child has become an established breast feeder , if you are breastfeeding .
If your child is exhibiting these signs of tiredness , they may need additional soothing ( rocking , singing , a quiet story , a backrub ) before going to sleep . The signs of tiredness in children of various ages include :
• Newborns – staring , jerky movements of the arms and legs , clenched fists , frowning , yawning , irritated behavior including crying .
• Older babies – loss of interest in toys or playing , fretfulness , yawning , separation anxiety , irritated behavior including crying , eye rubbing , a change in physical activity .
• Toddlers – clumsy physical movements , tasks take longer to perform , irritated behavior including crying , emotional tension .
Some of the reasons why older babies and toddlers may not want to take a nap include :
• They don ’ t want to be by themselves .
• They don ’ t want to miss out on any activity .
• They are too excited , restless or anxious and can ’ t relax .
• Their daytime routine doesn ’ t always include naps .
• They are hungry or thirsty or have some other physical discomfort .
SUGGESTIONS FOR DAYTIME NAPS Suggestions to help your child settle for a nap include :
• Make sure your child has plenty of fresh air and physical activity .
• Establish a routine so your child expects to have a nap at certain times .
• Give your child time to relax beforehand with gentle activities .
• Make sure they are comfortable , fed and wearing a fresh diaper .
• If your child is a toddler or mobile , put them in a place that is quiet and dark .
• Provide your child with an opportunity to settle themselves . Then , if they are anxious without you , stay in the room for a few minutes .
• After 12 months some children may be comforted by a special object or toy . However , first check recommendations for safe sleeping and avoiding SUID ( sudden unexpected infant death ).
• Leave their bedroom door open so they can hear you moving around the house .
• Even if they do not sleep , the rest and quiet time alone is still beneficial .