Florida Baby 2021 | Page 26

Sleep Strategies for Babies

By Jeanne Coates

How is the baby sleeping ? How are you sleeping ? same room , same routine – different children . We have some recommended strategies for you to try to help you

I remember being asked this question over and over on your way to a good night ’ s sleep . again as I ventured down the path of new motherhood and then again with a newborn and a toddler . So many HOW MUCH SLEEP DO BABIES AND things venture into a baby ’ s ability to sleep for longer TODDLERS NEED ? periods of time . My 10 lb . newborn had her days and nights mixed up when we brought her home , and the first week one of us stayed up until 2 or 3 am with her . Once we got her schedule switched , she slept through the night at 3 weeks . Her 7 lb . little sister only wanted to sleep while being bundled in a blanket and held , and she never went to bed or stayed in bed easily . Same parents ,

and Toddlers

Newborns need 16-20 hours / day . They are awake an hour or two between periods of sleep .
Infants need between 13 and 15 hours per day . This sleep is with morning and afternoon naps , and nighttime sleep .
Toddlers need around 12 hours of sleep , accomplished with an afternoon nap and nighttime sleep .