Florida Baby 2021 | Page 21

Pros and Cons of Making Your Own Baby Food

By Jeanne Coates

The choice to use store bought baby food versus . making your own ( or a combination of the two ) is a personal choice . Either option will allow your child to get the nutrition they need , to grow and to thrive .

The best time to start with solid food is the same whether the food comes from the supermarket in a jar or as raw ingredients that you mash . When your baby is sitting up with little support , able to maintain good head control , shows an interest when you are eating and can close their mouth and turn their head when they have had enough or not interested , the baby is ready . This is usually when they are about 6 months old , but babies vary . Take your cues from your child and their doctor .
Pros of Homemade Baby Food : Saves money You control the quality Convenience Flexibility More choice in what is in the food Preservative free Environmentally friendly
Cons of Homemade Baby Food : Takes time to plan and make Organic produce can be costly
Requires freezer and / or refrigerator space Spoils quicker than store bought food You must be careful about food quality .
You may be wondering how to start . Start with simple , bland foods with a pureed consistency . Some doctors recommend that you start with vegetables instead of something sweeter like fruit . Easy to digest foods are squash , sweet potatoes , pears , avocados and bananas . Peel the fruit or vegetable if appropriate . Remove stems , pits and seeds . You may bake , steam , roast or microwave until tender . Baby food needs no added spice , butter , salt or pepper . You can thin the item with a little water , breast milk or infant formula to help puree it or mash it to the desired consistency . It is best to add one food at a time and wait 3-5 days before introducing something new . Do not give up if your baby doesn ’ t instantly like it . Put it in the rotation of foods and try again later .
After introducing several foods to your child , you can start giving her combinations . Apples and sweet potatoes , plum and pear , peas and carrots – whatever you think they would like . When your baby is ready to try meats , be sure to remove the skin , fat , bone and connective tissue , and cook fully .
As you add in new foods , strive to feed a rainbow of colors . Eventually , your baby will be able to eat what you eat diced in tiny pieces . Your doctor is a great source for answers to any feeding questions you have . Happy Feeding !