Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 3: | Page 30

So here at the FTFF we want to grow the Fly Fishing Community. We are going to start offering Fly Exchanges as well as some events that are just for fly fishermen as well. This is not to neglect everyone else, this is just something we would like to grow. Please keep your eye out for this.

We have been running the FTFF Monthly Jackpot. It's been a tough go but we are still working it. the last 2 winner are June ParkerC. and July brittanybassett Be sure you don't miss the next event. The 3rd weekends of each month August, September, and October.

Please be sure to keep in mind that this year's 11th Annual FTFF Toy Drive will be running a little earlier than usual. We should be holding both events in November. The reason for this is the need to get our donations to their respective locations sooner for distribution to those that need a little extra Holiday Cheer. Details to come soon.

So this is really simple and worked great the other day I used it. Maybe I am late to the show but I just wanted to share this with you. If you own a hybrid float tube I always say these boats will last you years to come. But you do need to care for them.

When you are home and cleaning use a Shammy to clean your hybrid tubes. This is a great way to clean them and of course dry them off before you store them. I noticed that when cleaning with the shammy I was able to do some extra good and fast cleaning of the scum that I picked up from the water. So the tip of the day is to clean your PVC with a Shammy. It is that simple.

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