Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 3: | Page 27

Tip #3 - Rod Weight. So the weight of the rod is kind of important in your back cast. So if you are fishing a soft rod tip you might find yourself having trouble in your back cast. To fix this you need to have a fast rod tip. This will allow you to generate enough speed to fix your back casting issues of hitting the water.

Tip #4 - Use current and or wind to your advantage. When fly fishing wind and current are important things to think of. The wind will change your casting so you need to think about positioning. Of course no wind is in some cases best but if you need to cast into the wind. Using an overhead general cast this will lead to less accidents with casts such as hooking yourself. Current is also watched as it is going to move when you fly in the water so pay close attention to make sure you understand which way the water is moving. Also we know that wind currents have both advantages and disadvantages to float tubing so play close attention to this as well.

Tip #5 - There is more to this than just casting. Most of us think of fly fishing as the art of fly casting and this is true but from the tube you must never forget there is another more important fishing methode. Trolling, a good cast will get you flying out there but once there use your fins and natural currents to move your tube which in turn move you line and fly. As you troll and let you fly sink you can basically impart some action by twitching the line. Or you can also bring in line either slow or fast all depending on what the fish are looking for of course. Finally it is all good to know that you can also send your line back out as you kick backward to avoid more casting in some situations.

Of course the best way to learn to fly fish from your float tube is just get out there. Have fun and always share your reports.