Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 3: | Page 11

Question: Where would you like to tube if you had the chance?

Answer: No doubt about going back to Finland! 3 years ago I had the possibility to go with my best friend to visit our Finnish friends and together go on the roughness of local pikes. It was a unique experience and certainly to repeat.

Question: Do you have anything you would like to share (words of wisdom that kind of thing)?

Answer: My name is Marek Sidor, of Slovak origin, and since 2005 I live and work on the island of Gran Canaria, in my spare time I dedicate myself to fly fishing, photography and video recording in the world of fishing, the island can offer a very surprising quality of fishing for all fly fishermen who like to do or try something different. There are several reservoirs built at the time of the dictator Franco, to supply tomato plantations, etc. That before the arrival of tourism were the main economy of the island, in an attempt to regulate the insects and algae in the reservoirs, they have repopulated it with Carps, Black Bass and tilapia, approximately at the time of the year 1960; since then, fish live and reproduce in a wild way and without human help, in this way it could be said that we are already talking about a wild species that thrives naturally.

Continued on Page #21