Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 3: | Page 10

IG: Float Tubers Interview

Float Tube fishing Leaders on Instagram


The FTFF has been doing some interviews of Instagram leaders in the world of float tube fishing. These are fishermen that are known for there adventuers on the water. It has been fun and great to get to kow these people over the years now. So with out a due let's hear from @sidor_marek.

Question: Why did you start float tubing?

Answer: That's a good question! I guess I had always been attracted to the idea of being able to get to inaccessible fishing spots. In a very short time, I was sequestered by the new possibilities that had opened up to me when I bought one.

Question: What type of tube do you use and what do you like best about it?

Answer: The tube I have is a Guideline brand, having 2 air chambers makes me feel safe. Overall the construction is quite good and the materials are of good quality. What I am missing are waterproof bags. On my fishing trips I carry a lot of photographic equipment which is usually quite expensive. The Tube is made of a fabric that absorbs a bit of water and for photographic equipment it is not very convenient. In the future I will take into account the materials from which my new Tube will be made.

Question: What is your personal best catch from the tube?

Answer: My best catch from a Tube will be a Black Bass that was over 60 cm. One of the biggest I've ever caught and some carp around 10 kg.