Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 3: | Page 7

Mission Statement

The Float Tube Fishing forum is dedicated to the awareness and growth of this unique and exciting method of fishing for both experts and beginners. Through our global community and industry leading manufacturers we aim to promote and teach safe and appropriate float tube fishing techniques as well as mentor the future generations of float tube enthusiasts.

Finally the Fast rod flex, these are your basic bass rod for 2 reasons, sensitivity and hook set power. Most of the baits or lures we fish are single hooks and can be swallowed whole. With this the hooks set must be quick and powerful. So with a rod that flexes only at the top one third it take very light movement to drive the hook in. Because of the stiffness of the rod blank sensitivity is at its max which is something we are all looking for most often. Casting is great with these rods for accuracy. They can cast short distance and they can cast long distance, but they are superior with accuracy. They are also great at fighting fish in thick cover as you can horse the fish out of tough places.

So there is the basics of rod flex. Of course that is not all there is some much more to understand. I encourage you to do your own reacher. You see all of this knowledge is basic, and relevant to the rod you are purchasing. Ask questions of the rod companies get to know the pros and cons of what you are buy. If you become more verse in rod flex and power you will be able to make better choices in the future and eventually have more fun on the water. Next issue we will work on understanding rod materials what material is best for your fishing.