Float Tube Fishing Forum E-Zine Volume 6: Issue 2: | Page 7

this set up is simple. Cast the lure out and let it settle to the bottom. With your rod pointed toward the bait, reel in your slack. Then, slowly lift your rod tip up to the 11 o'clock position. Let the lure settle back down as you point your rod tip back to the lure and again reel up the slack. Simple repeat this method until you have reeled the lure back.

Of course, with any set up there is more than one way to fish it successfully. And for me, I have learned to bounce, pause, twitch, bounce, pause, and twitch, which imparts a wiggle in the lure as well as erratic jumping motion from spot to spot. I have even heard people will cast a larger worm out and simply swim it back with success.

I have learned to be confident in the Taxes rig setup only because I practiced this technique and have had, with time, gained success. Please know, of course, you cannot have success without trying. So, speaking as a man who once had little to no confidence, if you have not tried this method yet, maybe it is time?

By: Jeff Bernier