Can you give us a brief summary of the structure within FDS, as I believe some recent (ish)
additions and changes have been made to the
staff roster? (Jack)
As of today, we’re about 9 people:
- Laura (myself): I’m the CEO and Co-Founder, I used to take care of many things, but today, I’ve delegated quite a few items to others
in the team. I now work on the flight model,
airplanes, ATC/Live (server and client side),
- Philippe: He’s the other co-founder of the
company, he works on the low level 3D and
2D rendering engine, planet/terrain rendering (critical in our new Global effort), optimizations, font rendering, content pipeline.
- RgBa: He works on special effects like the
new airplane rendering, the atmosphere,
smoke effect (which is on the shelves, probably until Global comes out).
- Val: He joined a few months ago, great addition to the team! He picked up the User Interface rendering and is now getting familiar
with all parts of the app so he can become an
expert in everything ;) Val has extensive Android and 3D rendering knowledge.
- Jarno: He works on the 3D models along
with Kirill who we started working with recently. He’s done almost all of the models in
the app today and also takes care of the liveries.
- David: He’s our support guru, the front line
when things go wrong and users need help.
He’s been with us for a few years already and
has also acted as a community manager until
we started working with Mark and Tyler to
make more space for him to work on the support side of things.
- Tyler: Tyler is our ATC Community manager, he takes care of recruiting and training
our advanced ATC controllers. The team he’s
built is quite impressive!
- Mark: He’s our latest addition to the team. His
primary duty is managing the pilot community in
Infinite Flight, on social media as well as on our
forum. He also takes care of organizing our weekly
events on Live. (Laura)
Laura, what main features do you now see Infinite
Flight having over its competitors, such as X-Plane
and the newer Rortos flight simulators? (Jack)
- Our Live multiplayer mode is one of our biggest
strengths. A simulator can be as detailed and advanced as it can be, but if you play alone, the experience is not the same. It’s enabled Infinite Flight’s
community to grow so much and so rapidly which
is why we’re focusing on it so much.
- Our flight model is another strength. It might not
be as advanced as what you could find on profes-