Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 21

like I was going to go back into bodybuilding again .”
A new emotion emerged for James every day that he was on the Kilimanjaro . A new feeling of inner strength was growing .
“ We had to dig so deep every step of the way to get it done . I felt capable , but not as an athlete this time . Instead , I felt capable as a human ,” he explains . “ This journey and these feelings taught me more than I had ever imagined was possible . I suddenly acquired a whole new appreciation for what is out there . I learned that an environmental change can also change your mindset . I know now that all good things do exist .”
Back in the Game After returning back from the trip , James did get back into bodybuilding , and eventually started working more with Jordan Peters . This is when he adopted JP ’ s training and nutrition principles .
“ JP taught me how to eat and train .